Curious about how I create my beautiful emails? Meet Flodesk.

I love using Flodesk for email marketing. Find out why in this post - I share 5 reasons along with WHY building an email list is important for an e-design business.

Email marketing is one of the best ways to reach and serve your clients. Why? In my mind there are three main reasons:

  1. You own your list. Unlike social media where you’re essentially using another company’s platform to reach people, your email list belongs to YOU and you alone. If Instagram or Facebook disappeared tomorrow (or your account got deleted somehow), so would your followers and fans. While that’s pretty unlikely to happen, it’s a little scary to think about, isn’t it?

  2. You know an email will reach them. An inbox is one of the rare places that you can send something these days and know that it will reach your audience. There aren’t any algorithms to figure out or compete with. Now, whether they open it and read it is a different story of course. :) Creating emails people want to engage with is a topic for another day, but at least you know it got there!

  3. You can make it beautiful to match your brand. Part of creating good emails is making them pretty to look at. They should be clean and cohesive. How do you do that? Well I’ve got a fantastic email marketing platform to share with you today that makes it SO easy!

Meet Flodesk.*

I recently switched from Mailchimp to Flodesk and I’ve gotta say, I love it and wish I had switched sooner! It’s a platform that was built for small businesses to create beautiful email campaigns that people actually want to read. Whether you’re sending out monthly newsletters, sharing design tips, or promoting your services, it’s a great tool that’s really easy to use. I’ll share a few reasons why below. You can also save 50% on your monthly subscription (for life!) by using code MIXANDMATCH when you sign up!

5 Reasons I Love Flodesk

They have stunning templates

No need to be a graphic designer when you use Flodesk - they’ve got templates that are ready to roll. You can customize the formatting, and change the fonts and colors to match your brand with just a few clicks. The templates are designed to be ready to roll, make your business look professional, and be aesthetically pleasing to your audience.

Click and drag email builder (no coding required!)

It’s seriously easy to use. It was so intuitive, I hardly felt like there was a learning curve at all. I figured out their “system” in no time at all and I get excited about writing emails now! That definitely wasn’t the case with Mailchimp. Even though they have a drag and drop email builder, I always felt like it was clunky and the results weren’t as pretty as I wanted them to be.

One monthly price, unlimited subscribers

Unlike competitors, Flodesk doesn’t penalize you for growing your list. Whether you’re looking to start a small newsletter or build an email marketing empire, you pay the same monthly price. Oh, and you get a free 30 day trial to check it out and see if it’s right for you.

Support at your fingertips

If you decide to sign up with Flodesk, be sure to join their Facebook group! Not only are there other like-minded business owners in there doing some pretty amazing stuff, but you get almost instant support if you have any issues. They also have a wonderful help section within the platform with articles that cover just about anything you’d need to know.

Setting up opt-ins and workflows is easy

One of the secrets to success with email marketing is setting up forms for people to easily opt in to your email list and then sending them what’s called an email sequence. That email sequence introduces them to your business, YOU, and tells them about what they’re going to get from you. It often means offering something for free to get them to sign up and then “nurturing” them so that they know, like, and trust you.

So what do you think? Have I convinced you to give Flodesk a try? If you’re ready to create beautiful emails people want to read, click the button below to head on over and check it out.

*This post contains affiliate links, which means Mix & Match Design Company earns a small commission from your new subscription.


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